New Students

    What to Bring

    Our Packing List is a general guide. Many students bring too much stuff! Plan to switch out seasonal things during the breaks. 你春假带回家的越多,你就会越少 scramble to pack in May!

    Get ready for our Zero Waste Move-In! Washington College is committed to sustainability and encourages students and families to help. 在一个已知的生态环境中,小事情累积起来会产生很大的影响 wonder. 

    Your residence hall room comes with an extra long twin bed and mattress, desk and chair, dresser, closet or wardrobe, small shelf or bookshelf, and overhead lighting. Rooms have tile floors and window blinds. In each hall, there is a laundry room with washers and dryers. 如果可能的话,在你计划什么的时候和你的室友谈谈 to bring. 然而,如果你不能这样做,以某种方式打包可能的双重物品 这样就能更方便地开车回家了. Keep in mind that college-owned furniture may not be removed from your room. 

    Instead of "borrowing" a grocery cart from the store, invest in one of these kinds of carts. 《九州娱乐官网》建议买一辆可折叠且轮子耐用的车 可以走很长的砖路(我们这里有很多砖路)!). Helpful for move in/out, laundry (if you have a laundry room on your floor), bringing large amounts of stuff to events (picnic on the green or near the stadium, anyone?).Foldable cart

    别忘了,使用燃烧的火焰的蜡烛和熏香是不允许的. However, there are so many alternatives now. Flameless candles that have flickering motion 看起来非常真实,在房间里营造出逼真的烛光氛围. Students also use fairy lights- just make sure the bulbs do not get hot and never place anything cloth or paper on or near them.

    即使你对花粉有轻微过敏,也要注意东海岸的春天 comes early. 我们周围是农田,还有可爱的开花树木和 shrubs make for a heavy pollen season here. Fall pollen is just as bad as spring with the surrounding crops. 即使是通常没有过敏问题的学生也会经历过敏 此处的症状除成人首次发病的典型过敏外. A small air purifier will help. Some may even find the need for a small humidifier during the winter months- the air in the halls becomes very dry if the winter temps are consistently below freezing. You can find oil diffusers that are also humidifiers to also have a pleasant smelling room.

    Plug in fresheners and oil diffusers are great but they do take up a plug so be mindful 你带了多少电子产品,什么最适合你的需要. Whatever 你选择,这些也是需要补充的小物品. Set your order for autoship and save the precious space in the room. Or Parents/Guardians, send periodic care 装着续杯和其他季节性物品的包裹.  When students bring these types of things in bulk ahead of time, they are put away (often deep under the bed) and forgotten about until May move out. Some items just don’t work well in small residence 大厅房间,如电子烘蛋器(洒热蜡任何人?)

    In summer, early fall and late spring, be aware that the Eastern Shore is very, very humid. We are surrounded by water! It’s not uncommon to have a 90% humidity level every day during those seasons. 有的同学发现,拥有一个小空间的除湿机 is helpful when they move in,  bring it home fall break to store, then bring it back spring break to use in their room again. Rooms are small- you don’t need a big one but you do need to remember to empty it out daily.

    If you are bringing prescription drugs (particularly anything valuable), your passport and social security card (if you plan on getting a job), or anything else small and valuable, strongly consider bringing a small safe. Some roll under the bed, some look like little cabinets. Whatever works for you!

    Some valuables should simply not come to college- grandma’s ring, valuable jewelry, grandpa’s heirloom item- none of this should be in a residence hall. 房间很小,东西会被打碎、丢失,如果不小心放在外面,还会被偷. Additionally, 学生不应该在房间或钱包里放大量现金. Any amount over $100 is too much- use your bank!

    You don’t need the big coffee maker. No, really, it takes up too much space and is difficult to clean in a residence hall environment. Single serve coffee makers are efficient, small, and easy to manage. Ones that use ground coffee (instead of k-cups) are cost efficient and sustainable. If you have to use one with k-cups, again, don’t stock up for the whole semester! That case is wasting valuable space in the room. 网上购物消除了几个月的库存需求.

    像雨刷一样的产品对大学生来说是一种奖励. Bring a both the dry cloth and wet cloths, which brings us to rugs.

    大的,房间大小的地毯(总是8x10)很难保持清洁,在这样的真空 一个狭小的空间,到12月左右总是很脏. A residence hall is not the place for expensive or one of a kind rugs! The antique Persian rug needs to stay 在家里,远离洒出来的苏打水、碎饼干和不可避免的泥浆 of the rainy Eastern Shore.

    Using multiple washable throw rugs are much more functional and sanitary. While your rug(s) is in the wash, you can sweep your floor and mop it with the wet cloths quick resulting in a clean floor and rug. 破布地毯,棉织地毯,甚至大的浴室地毯都是如此 washed in the washing machine and are easy to maintain. 

    A first aid kit is essential for the room (and if bringing a car, one designed for the car as well).

    别忘了带手电筒和备用电池——每个人都会忘记的 a flashlight! 停电不经常发生,但当停电发生时,重要的是 have.

    If you are particularly safety minded and prefer to invest in a useful long term piece, 你可以考虑得到一个手摇天气收音机/手电筒组合. Most have phone charger capabilities too.